
PT Kencana Panelindo


PT Kencana Panelindo is the first local company to start producing Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP) in Indonesia in 2012 and is committed to being the best and market leader in Indonesia. PT Kencana Panelindo is a sister company of Kencana Group (PT Kencana Agri Limited) and our products Maco and Alcopan are created with the support of modern technology from Taiwan. We have staff and experts working together with one of the best manufacturers of Aluminum Composite Panel in the world. Our factory is located in Tiga Raksa, Tangerang with latest line ACP technology from Taiwan, dual extruder screw which makes the production process fast and efficient.

Our commitment not only sells products, but also provides technical and application advice to the project while providing training to the supervisors and workers in the field. Along with the increasing standard of building material quality in Indonesia, and expectations from the owners, consultants and contractors will be the better quality for their projects. PT Kencana Panelindo holds a very important role in the quality improvement process by providing the right ACP products and their support services in order to meet their expectations.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Being a pioneer of Aluminum Composite Panel products as the first and largest manufacturer in Indonesia and international quality.

Our Mission

Sufficient market demand for Aluminum Composite Panel products in Indonesia, as well as being the main place and community choice to advance the building materials industry in Indonesia.

Production Capacity

As a pioneer of the Aluminum Composite Panel manufacturer in Indonesia, we are determined to be the best and the biggest in the ACP industry in Indonesia. Our production capacity is 2.600.000 m2 per year and will continue to be added and refined with other kinds of supporting products. The production process is fully supported with modern equipment and computerized monitoring to ensure consistent and quality production result.

Research and Development

PT Kencana Panelindo also has a research and development laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment that continuously creates and improves its products. We are committed to providing solutions to every problem by providing consultation services and products that according to market needs.

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